Today we met Miriam, the founder, owner, and headmistress of Jewel School. She joined us late in the day and expressed a great deal of gratitude for the work we have already accomplished. We cleared a great deal of the land behind what will be the new schoolhouse. The area is full of brush and weeds and needs to be cleared to create a safe place for the children to play. Eventually Miriam and the other teachers hope to have some grass, a futball pitch, and a small garden plot so the kids can learn to cultivate and sell produce at the market.
Our students’ perspectives seemed to start changing already. We had a short devotional after dinner and all spoke about something we were grateful for today and most of the girls shared profound insights into their lives and the subtle ways their mind sets are shifting. One student said, “I’m trying to focus on what work and dedication I can give the children rather than what experience and memories they can give to me.”