Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
We are located in the heart of Southern Utah.
Our curriculum is comparable to any normal junior high or high school curriculum. We individualize academic needs for each of our students. All work and testing is organized for school district approval.
All information about your child is completely confidential.
The typical daily schedule consists of exercise, planning and goal setting, individual time, meals, chores, school, a session of group psychotherapy, an activity in the community, and individual or family therapy. The activities are diverse and varied. We focus on numerous positive experiences every day for our student’s well-being.
Our average length of stay is 10 months. Length is determined by individual progress.
Our average age is approximately 15 years old. Our students range in age from 13 to 17.
We have clinicians with a wide variety of expertise and experience. Each of our therapists hold a Master’s or Doctorate level degree.
Sunrise maintains a home-style environment. Your child will have 2-3 roommates. We provide all the amenities of a regular home. Outside, we offer access to a sports court, basketball courts, and a large multi-use field. Students may also choose to participate in group sports, recreation, music, or art projects. Sunrise believes that coupling nature with a constructive environment aids emotional healing.
The most common problems we treat at Sunrise are depression, anxiety, self-harm, poor school performance, failing relationships at home, adoption issues, attachment issues, ADHD, anger management issues, and hopelessness. Our typical student has low self-esteem and may be struggling with authority. Other common problems we address include drug abuse, school failure, trauma/abuse, mood disorders, and family discord.
Our academic curriculum is accredited through Cognia. Any course our students complete at Sunrise can be transferred to any other school, public or private. Our Education Director works closely with the school of your choice to make sure academic transition is accurate and complete.
We provide weekly individual and family therapy and daily group therapy. We do Equine therapy on a weekly basis. We individualize the treatment your child receives at every possible level, such as placing them in psychotherapy groups that are specific to their particular issues.
A minimum of one phone call per week to parents is allowed for each student, starting as soon as your child arrives at Sunrise. We hope you will plan to visit your child as often as you can. We encourage face-to-face family therapy, weekly family therapy calls, weekly weekend calls, and unlimited mail.
Speak with one of our trained professionals by dialing 855.463.2240. Please click below to fill out our application.
Yes. We encourage you to speak with parents who have placed their children in our program. Many parents are excited to share their experience with you. Contact our admissions director for a list of parents in your area or who have had similar experiences with their children.
Ready to talk to someone?
Let us help you and your family grow and become everything you want it to be.

Ready to talk to someone?
Let us help you and your family rise and become everything you want it to be.
3611 S Camino Real,
Washington, Utah 84780
ADMISSIONS: 435-900-7753
FAX: (435)627-5202
ADMISSIONS: 435-900-7753
FAX: (435)627-5202