Sunrise RTC creates Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Skills Videos in order to become a thought leader in the DBT community.
Since the 80’s when Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) was developed by Marsha Linehan, this modality of therapy has been used to treat many different mental health disorders, including: depression, anxiety, borderline personality disorder, eating disorder tendencies, substance abuse, and post traumatic stress disorder. According to Psychology Today, “DBT skills are thought to have the capability of helping those who wish to improve their ability to regulate emotions, tolerate distress and negative emotion, be mindful and present in the given moment, and communicate and interact effectively with others. These intense and seemingly uncontrollable negative emotions are often experienced when the individual is interacting with others—friends, romantic partners, family members.”
But just learning the skills in therapy isn’t going to be a magic button to finding emotional healing if the skills aren’t practiced outside the therapeutic setting. “If the skills learned in therapy sessions do not transfer to patients’ daily lives, then it would be difficult to say that therapy was successful. As a result, a second critical function of DBT involves generalizing treatment gains to the patient’s natural environment. This function is accomplished in skills training by providing homework assignments to practice skills and troubleshooting regarding how to improve upon skills practice,” says Alexander Chapman, a psychologist at Simon Fraser University, in an article for the U.S. National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine. With this idea in mind, Sunrise RTC has created DBT skills videos for its YouTube channel so that current and past students, families, and all others in need of skills practice can refer to these videos at anytime.
“We find it so crucial for lasting healing among our students to create as many contexts as possible to practice the skills they learn off campus in a supported environment. This is what makes Sunrise such a special place,” says Sunrise’s Director of Operations, Noel Miller. “When you think of Sunrise, we don’t just want you to think “DBT”, we want you to think “DBT that works”. It’s been really cool to see our videos passed around different social media platforms by other programs and centers.”
Sunrise has already created 10 skills videos, ranging from a distress tolerance skill, TIPP, to interpersonal effectiveness skill, DEARMAN, and plans to create, post, and share the remaining skills videos throughout the remainder of the year.
To view, or learn more about, or be the first to see the new Sunrise DBT skills videos subscribe to Sunrise Residential Treatment Center’s Youtube Channel.