Aftercare treatment at Sunrise RTC
Sunrise believes that a student’s Sunrise journey doesn’t end with graduation, and supportive transition is important for all of our families. We offer a wide variety of Aftercare options to help facilitate lasting change and healing. One of these options is our In-town Aftercare. This program provides extra support and guidance to young women who graduate High School and treatment at Sunrise and choose to continue to live in the St George, Utah area. These graduates often continue their college education, attend a trade school or work in the community. Since we began offering this package, 17 girls have chosen to do In Town Aftercare, some girls even choose to sign up multiple times.
Becoming an adult is full of challenges and exciting new experiences and we offer one-on-one coaching, academic advising, and continued therapeutic support to our in-town graduates to help guide them in this next phase of building a
Life Worth Living. Participants work with an Aftercare Coach 2-4 hours each week to learn and practice vital life skills, such as finding an apartment, starting college or trade school, preparing healthy meals,
building relationships, living within a budget, and so much more!
“The In-town
Aftercare program is not punctuated by fanfare and high drama”, says Alexana Stavros, one of Sunrise’s aftercare coaches and creator of the In-town Aftercare curriculum, “but by the beautifully mundane. I could tell you a dozen stories of seemingly “normal” moments: uninteresting job interviews, grocery shopping trips, and college lectures, and you might be underwhelmed. Who tells stories about the grocery store? Who raves about balancing a budget or getting to class on time? WE DO! Ellie bravely faces classroom
anxiety every day, and we celebrate each class she attends and every assignment she submits! Last week Claire outlined the specific DBT skills she would use for her roommate meeting about cleaning their shared spaces. The week before that, Sydney came in under budget for the month and was able to put away a little money for Christmas presents. Jenny recently learned how to apply for housing, and is currently holding down her first job! Kate passed her driver permit test a few weeks ago. Fiona decided to eat more vegetables and walk to class more often. In August, every student spent some time with her coach learning how to read public transportation maps and practiced riding the bus around St. George before school started. Our girls fight through anxiety, depression, learning disabilities, loneliness, and interpersonal struggles to not only survive, but to thrive in adulthood! They are smart, resourceful, brave young women who are doing the little things every day to be successful. It is a privilege to be part of the beautifully mundane.”