There have been incredible advances in adolescent and family treatment in the past decade, with promising new developments being researched and published every year. So at Sunrise, RTC, we favor a scholarly, clinically-sophisticated approach to treatment that capitalizes on the very best treatment modalities and strategies. Our clinicians are encouraged to read and discuss new research as well as to speak, publish, and otherwise engage in the larger conversation about adolescent and family treatment.
But for all the scholarship and science around treatment, we still rely on a simple foundation regardless of the treatment modality du jour: good old fashioned relationship. Without a context of trusting, positive relationship, even the most sophisticated clinical approach simply won’t work. Relationship is at the heart of all effective therapy and healing.
Do you have a story of how a key relationship made a critical difference in your child’s, your own, or your family’s journey toward healing? Was it a relative? A friend? A therapist? Even a stranger? If so, we would love to hear about it. With your permission (and after changing identifying information), we may publish some of these stories in a future blog to offer inspiration and hope to other families. Stories like yours also serve as important reminders for our treatment team. Please send these stories anonymously and include permission to republish; we will change all names and identifying information if we do publish your story.
So regardless of where you are in your journey, please tell us briefly about a relationship that has made, or is making, a difference in your life. What is it about this person and this relationship that is has been particularly powerful ? How has it changed your perspective?
Thanks in advance for sharing!