{"id":4700,"date":"2016-02-29T06:00:55","date_gmt":"2016-02-29T13:00:55","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/sunrisertc.com\/?p=4700"},"modified":"2024-03-05T10:03:12","modified_gmt":"2024-03-05T16:03:12","slug":"adhd-in-the-classroom","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/sunrisertc.com\/adhd-in-the-classroom\/","title":{"rendered":"How to Manage ADHD in the Classroom"},"content":{"rendered":"

When you think of a student with ADHD in the classroom, what do you picture them doing?
\nIs it the student that is \u201cclimbing walls\u201d?\u00a0 Is it a student that seems to not listen to a word that is being said? \u00a0Is it the student that is daydreaming quietly in their seat?\u00a0 Is it a student that pays attention to every sound that is around them?\u00a0 Is it the student that is sleeping in the back corner of the classroom?\u00a0 Is it the student that just cannot stop talking to their friend?\u00a0 Or is it the student that pays attention extraordinarily well?
\nIf you thought any of these things, you might be right.
\nADHD in the classroom looks different for every student.\u00a0 It also looks different depending on the time of day.\u00a0 It also looks different with the number of students in the classroom.\u00a0 It also looks different with every teacher.\u00a0 Outside of the classroom they may be a totally different student.<\/p>\n

How do you know if it\u2019s ADHD in the Classroom?<\/h2>\n

At Sunrise Residential Treatment Center<\/a>, we rely on our professionals for this one.\u00a0 If they have had an ADHD diagnosis before, our Academic Director and our Special Education Coordinator will share that information with the rest of the teachers.\u00a0 We also have a Clinical Director that can provide on-site testing to determine if a student may have ADHD.<\/p>\n

Strategies for ADHD in the classroom?<\/h2>\n

A student diagnosed with ADHD is typically not stimulating the brain enough.\u00a0 This is when they seem distracted or can also seem bored.\u00a0 Their brain is working all of the time and it wants to be stirred.\u00a0 When a student is diagnosed with ADHD or even if a student is having trouble focusing in class without the diagnosis, we use different strategies in the classroom to help keep them focused.\u00a0 Each teacher\u2019s strategy may look a little bit different, but here are some of the things that we use:<\/p>\n