Can a Good Night’s Sleep Cure Mental Illness?

By |2024-03-06T09:51:21-06:00July 10th, 2012|Depression|

Schools, psychiatric practices, residential treatment facilities, and even correctional facilities like the one I worked at early in my career can maximize their outcomes only to the extent that they make sleep an institutional priority.

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Coping with Failure

By |2024-03-06T09:51:57-06:00June 7th, 2012|Depression, Identity & Motivation|

None of us wants to fail, but setbacks give us some of our richest opportunities to listen, learn, and persist. It’s through supported challenges that we are most likely to cultivate a productive, pro-social balance of confidence and humility. The good news is that a positive relationship with failure can be developed even in young people who may have missed this developmental milestone at a younger age.

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Teen Depression Treatment

By |2024-03-05T10:48:21-06:00July 25th, 2011|Depression|

If you suspect your child might be suffering from an emotional problem such as chronic depression (dysthymia), major depressive disorder, seasonal affective disorder or any of the several types of depression, alert your mental health provider (preferably one with experience diagnosing and treating teens) immediately.

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By |2024-03-06T10:04:47-06:00June 15th, 2011|Depression|

Short term, living on the edge a bit can help teens formulate their own adult identity, develop competencies and passions, and move forward in their journey toward independence. Long term, however, an immoderate way of life is associated with anxiety, unhappiness, health problems and even a shorter life span. As parents, we can’t—and shouldn’t—quash our teenager’s appetite for intensity. We can, however, temper and guide it.


The Suicidal Adolescent

By |2024-03-05T17:09:42-06:00February 10th, 2011|Depression|

Despite dire statistics regarding teen suicide, there is much that can be done to reduce suicide risk and to treat the causes of suicidal impulses.

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